Famous Deals



*WEEKLY DEALS Please note - deals are only valid when you call & speak to a human being. Not via online ordering. House wine (select red / white - no substitutes for different varietals - house wine subject to change without notice based on supply). All deals available for pick up & delivery except alcohol which can only be delivered due to licence restrictions. No half halfs. Add ons charged accordingly. Deals not valid Fri/Sat past 6pm.


*DELIVERY ALCOHOL When ordering alcohol: It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of, a person under the age of 18 years. Proof of age is required; YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO SHOW ID if you look under 25 years of age. Note: Alcohol must be delivered to the actual address. No orders after 10pm. Licence No: LIQP770016907